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Helping you secure your perfect role!


We recognise that all the candidates work with have unique circumstances requirements, skills and attributes. We always endeavour to ensure we understand these as much as possible prior to making suitable recommendations. We will consult with you regarding your career path aspirations and drivers and then will search our client list and utilise our local market knowledge to present a short list of suitable roles based on our consultation, at this point we will send you the relevant job description and company details so you can make an informed choice of which positions you would like to be considered for interview with.

  • Each role is fully vetted and we ensure that it is properly workable and realistic.

  • We work with a Preferred Client List, working with the top financial services companies.

  • We work very closely with clients to make sure we have a clear understanding of the role.

  • We submit candidates who have the right qualifications, skills, knowledge, and attitude.

  • Each candidate can demonstrate a successful track record for the role they are applying for


When you have decided which roles you would like to be considered for we will prepare your CV for submission, along with our recommendation to our client. We will never submit your details to a client without your prior consent and you will always be made fully aware of which company has your CV. Should your initial application be successful and you be invited for interview, we will make all the necessary arrangements for you and book the meeting in your diary as well as our clients. At this point we will provide you with any further documentation required, detailed interview tips and a comprehensive overview of the client and their requirements so you are fully prepared.

  • We make sure all our candidates are fully informed about the roles they are applying for.

  • Suitability of the role is paramount. We will be straight with you.

  • Preparation is the key. Each of our candidates will be properly prepared for interviews.

  • If we think it is the right role for the candidate, we will fully explain how and why.

  • Career progression is essential - we will ensure their next role is the right one in their career.

Fill out the enquiry form below or register as a candidate today to see how we can help you find your perfect role.

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